dual theorem

英 [ˈdjuːəl ˈθɪərəm] 美 [ˈduːəl ˈθiːərəm]




  1. The principle for resolving ambiguity in dual baseline system is analyzed by using theorem of remainder and the concept of imaginary array is presented.
  2. This paper presents a definition of imitative dual graph of outplane graphs, and proves the structural theorem on outplane graphs by using the nature of imitative dual graph of outplane graphs.
  3. Finally, the generalized dual model of the problem ( VP) is presented with the help of upper subdifferential of function, and a weak duality theorem is given.
  4. Converse Dual Theorem of ( F,ρ)_s-Convex Multiobjective Programming
  5. By means of the atomic decomposition, the dual theorem of the local Hardy space on the exterior regular domains in Rn was characterized.
  6. Abstract In this paper, several concepts such as pseudoconvex, strictly pseudoconvex and quasiconvex for nonsmooth functions are presented by directional derivatives. A dual problem is introduced and duality theorems such as weak duality theorem, strong duality theorem, strickly converse duality theorem are proved.
  7. The bias, covariance matrix and information loss of quasi-likelihood estimate are interpreted by the dual curvature. A limit theorem that reflects the relationship between the quasi-observed and the quasi-expected information is also established.
  8. In this paper, tbe authors proved the principle of duality of projective geometry and the dual theorem of curve of second degree.
  9. A dual form of the network decomposition theorem
  10. The Dual Programming and Dual Theorem is discussed and a new algorithm is given.
  11. A Dual Theorem on Error Detection Codes
  12. The Original Miller's Theorem, its Dual Version of the Miller's Theorem and their Applications
  13. Lagrange Dual Theorem for Unconstrained Vector Optimization Problems
  14. Dual charaters of operators and open mapping theorem
  15. A mathematical model on cuttings transportation of dual layer stabilizing in the highly inclined well is established based on the Law of Mass Conservation and Momentum Theorem, taking the fines spreading in the suspension layer and fluid pressure drop in the cutting bed into consideration.
  16. The dual form of representation theorem of single-branch fuzzy set
  17. A Dual Theorem of Upper and Lower Bounds on the Generalized Hamming Weights
  18. The dual theorem of Hardy space on domains in r~ n
  19. Then after compared three project of receiver, we select the wideband IF digital project. In addition, we analyses the principle and realization of the orthotropic demodulation in dual aisle& the sampling theorem, and conduct the simulation.